ECTC Thanksgiving Retreat

感謝主,一年一度的恩城感恩節退修會又臨近了。 我們歡迎您一起來參加,通過這個機會與主內的肢體一起學習和交通。 2024 年恩城感恩節退修會將會以線下聚集的形式在 Pinebrook Bible Conference Center 舉行。具體請見以下日程安排。
Thank the Lord. Our annual Thanksgiving retreat is approaching. We welcome you to join, learn and fellowship with brothers and sisters of the body through this opportunity. The 2024 Thanksgiving retreat will take place at Pinebrook Bible Conference Center with in-person gatherings only. Please see schedule details below.

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日期 Date

2024年11月29日 - 12月1日
November 29 - December 1, 2024

地點 Location

Google Map

5339 Pinebrook Road
East Stroudsburg, PA 18301

主题 Message

耶穌更美 Jesus is fairer

經文 Scripture

希伯來書 7:19 律法原來一無所成——就引進了更美的指望,靠這指望,我們便可以進到神面前。

Hebrews 7:19 for the law made nothing perfect; but on the other hand, a better hope is introduced, through which we draw near to God.

專題 Workshop

專題 1:兒童教育
Workshop 1: Children Education

專題 2:真愛與純潔
Workshop 2: True Love and Purity

專題 3:為誰辛苦為誰忙——聖經中的工作觀
Workshop 3: Biblical View On Work