專題 1:基督徒如何看待 AI - 黃毅郎

AI 在過去幾年有跨躍性的進展,特别是去年 ChatGPT 的发布, 從一個偏向技術人員的話題進入了大眾的視野,不僅成為很多人工作學習的工具, 更成為一個取代很多人工作機會的威脅。展望未來,很多的討論開始圍繞AI對人類社會的影響。 這個workshop會嘗試探討AI對基督徒的信仰的影響。

Workshop 1: How should Christians view AI - James Wong

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant progress in recent years, especially with the release of ChatGPT last year. It has started from a topic that is primarily of interest to technologists to a topic that is in the public interest. It has become a tool that many people use for work and learning, and it has also become a threat to the jobs of many people.

Looking to the future, many discussions are starting to focus on the impact of AI on human society. This workshop will explore the impact of AI on the beliefs of Christians.

專題 2: 夫妻關係系列一:溝通的藝術 - 李家緯

溝通是一個難學但是卻又必須學的一門功課。我們時時需要與不同的人溝通, 而夫妻間的溝通又是其中最重要的。這門專題希望藉著雙向的分享,實際舉例, 還有小遊戲與弟兄姊妹們一起探討有關溝通的功課。

Workshop 2: Marriage Series 1: The Art of Communication - Jeff Lee

Communication is a difficult but yet necessary lesson to learn. We constantly communicate with all sorts of people and communication is especially important in a spousal relationship. This workshop aims to explore the lesson of communication with brothers and sisters through bi-lateral sharing, actual examples, and group games.

專題 3:真愛等待 - 陳正平

人人都渴望真愛,但是真愛是從神而來,真愛是需要學習等候和預備自己進入婚姻。 讓我們一起來學習如何預備好自己,做一個討神喜悅的人,在戀愛中榮耀神。

Workshop 3: True Love Waits - Joshua Chan

Everyone desires true love, but true love comes from God. True love requires us to learn to wait and prepare ourselves for marriage.

Let us come together to learn how to prepare ourselves to be people who are pleasing to God and glorify Him in our relationships.